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Experience the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop - a deeply and transformative journey that invites participants to embark on a path of profound self-discovery and lasting transformation. This workshop offers more than just knowledge; it catalyzes a life-changing experience that empowers individuals to connect with the depths of their inner being and uncover their ultimate purpose.

Having left its mark across diverse nations, this workshop is a truly international phenomenon. Guided by a seasoned facilitator, meticulously trained by the visionary Drunvalo Melchizedek himself, attendees are led through a process that has empowered many individuals to unleash their untapped potential and embrace a life of authenticity and fulfillment.


Through a carefully crafted series of exercises and heart-centered meditations, participants gain the tools to live authentically from the heart space and harmonize their actions with their deepest purpose. Join us on this remarkable journey towards self-realization and inner awakening.


Please keep in mind that each person’s experience is unique, and results may vary from one individual to another.
Join the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth,
and transformation, with the potential to positively influence every aspect of your life.
Discover the transformative journeys of our participants through their heartfelt testimonials.
These stories highlight the life-changing impact of the "Awakening the Illuminated Heart" workshop.
Each testimonial reflects a unique path of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and personal transformation made possible by our program.

Elena Burton was as wonderful as I felt she would be and more. The course was informative and packed full of interesting depth and wonderful challenges for your personal advancement no matter where you stand in your worlds. Professional with heartfelt sincerity. Definitely a Course of unbounded dimensional experience. Thank you with many Blessings. Julie-ann Coombs.

- Julie-ann Coombs at Jun 21, 2022

Awesome workshop! Elena held a container for us to be open and truly have a wonderful healing experience. She has a peaceful energy and is very thorough and clear with communication. I was so happy to complete this workshop with my mother and found it was suitable for people of all ages and varying skill levels. I would highly recommend to all!

- Isabella Karolewicz at Jun 22, 2022


Great event! Elena is wonderful, the program learning, exercises and meditations were very deep and really allowed me to enhance my connection with heart.

- Bhavna Patel at Jun 19, 2022


Elena was amazing. She was compassionate and loving. I can see she is very dedicated to the material she teaches and very passionate about it. Loved the workshop!!!

- Grace O'Brien at Jun 19, 2022

I really enjoyed this workshop, I didn't have expectations, but any subconscious expectations It had exceeded. It gave me confidence that the spiritual path is my path and I found out I have healing abilities. Thank you Elena, I would recommend to all my friends and family.

- Celine Walden at Jun 19, 2022


Elena is a great presenter. She takes a lot of care to make sure that the information and your experience is the best it can be.

- Joel Delaney at Jun 19, 2022


Elena was warm and always made me feel as though I could ask any question. Thank you for brining this gift to Melbourne. I would recommend this experience to anyone.

- Joanna Collyvas at May 23, 2022


Thank you, I had no expectation and the course was one of the best I've been too. Our teacher Elena Burton was wonderful, thorough and patient with us all moving through the information given.

- Alison Arvaj at May 23, 2022


Elena spoke from the heart and created a space of non-judgement for us to understand and apply the tools and techniques.

- Micaela Owen at Mar 01, 2022

Absolutely the best retreat I have ever attended.
Thanks so much Elena.
- Troy Lenord at Jan 23, 2022


What an awakening of the heart course! I have been asking to go deeper into the heart and this course popped up serendipitously! It was a magical mix of science, biology and practical exercises where you activate your third eye, your MerKaBa and learn a creation process after two days of fun and yet deep preparation.
Elena Burton is a brilliant facilitator who guides these four days with kindness, potency and her divine knowing. She is a shining inspiration for she truly walks her talk. I would encourage anyone who would like to dive deeper in their life to attend these magical four days. 
- Fiona McDonald Baylis at Jan 23, 2022

Elena was an incredible instructor, clear, confident and patient. The venue was beyond magical, comfortable, clean and felt like a sacred place in itself. I look forward to continue using these techniques to help moving forward with healing myself. Thank you so so much.
- Sarah Smyth at Jan 23, 2022

What an amazing profound experience. I feel lighter, more present and powerful. I feel like I can do anything.
- Leeanne Spencer at Jan 23, 2022

I came to this workshop by a series of unexpected synchronicities, and source always knows what it's doing! This workshop finished things I started many years earlier. Plus, I made wonderful new friends, I had many experiences of channeling that I've never had before and I learnt skills that I can use every day for the rest of my life. Thank you Elena for delivering this workshop effortlessly yet powerfully.
- Helen Reynolds at Jul 23, 2021


The morning after returning home, I had a strong feeling I have to write something adding to the testimonials but had no idea what to say. Then I sat down, writing down what came into my mind. It does not look like a testimonial but I hope that you would like these words: We all have the heart of the oneness. We all come from the universe. We are the one. We are on our journey of experiencing we are not the one. Now it is the time to go home, to go through the illusion of separation and to be who we really are. The 4-day workshop place us back on the way to home by pointing out a shortcut. When you read these words, listen to the call from your heart. Be here and we all be with you, loving you & cherishing you. NICE TO MEET YOU!

Elena is definitely a good and professional teacher. During the workshop I recalled many past life memories and released much at emotional and physical levels. My understanding of the relationship between me and my best friend who attended this workshop together, has been refreshed and fulfilled with new meaning. When I get back to my day-to-day life, I find my brain seems stopped working in the usual way to some extent, but works for the heart with less thinking and judging. Big THANK YOU to Drunvalo, Elena, all the participants, everyone & everything.

- Yian Wang at May 06, 2021


Elena is beautiful. She has a very caring, open, inviting disposition. She is knowledgeable and always encouraging of others to share their experiences and insights. I have an amazing experience and would highly recommend attending this workshop. After participating, I can fully understand why people return again and again. I know I will.

- Katheena at Feb 23, 2021


OMG what an amazing 4 days...4 days that have changed me and will impact my day-to-day life in nothing but good positive ways.... Thank you, Elena and my beautiful classmates, for sharing your time, knowledge and wisdom... It came to me at a vital time of need... Eternal gratitude and love.

- Shelley Hundley at Feb 22, 2021


I am in awe of the amazing experiences, loving beings, profound insights & knowing shared throughout the 4 days. The course is really affordable, has incredible value & well balanced with theory & practice. Elena is lovely, polite, knowledgeable, generously conveys concepts with lots of examples & encourages questions to provide further clarity. I highly recommend the awaken the illuminated heart workshop to all. Be source, source be:-)

- Sandra Fox at Feb 22, 2021


This course was more than I could imagine it would be - absolutely fantastic and I want to thank Drunvalo, the School of Remembering, and Elena Burton. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

- Warwick Emanuel at Feb 26, 2020


This is the second time I have attended the AIH workshop facilitated by Elena. It just keeps getting better & better! There were things I had totally forgotten from the first experience. I just love the deeper connection & understanding of myself and my true nature that comes from this experience and the friendships are also a big bonus. Can't recommend highly enough.

- Elise Grant at Aug 02, 2020


I have been following Drunvalo's work for a long time and I am used to his highest standards - but this workshop exceeded all my expectations. Elena is definitely the teacher I wish everyone could have. I am really inspired and will definitely continue on this path. Many, many thanks for this school!

- Aleksander Stular at Aug 03, 2020


This course exceeded all expectations. I am now more aware of what's beyond the realm of gross matter, feeling more in tune with the divine consciousness. I surrender to that sublime energetic and from this heart space, there is only love. Thank you to our teacher Elena and to Drunvalo for helping us remember.

- Heidi Tschannen at Dec 14, 2020


Connecting to love, oneness & all that is through a variety of enjoyable activities that deepen the experience over the 4 days was amazing. Elena was able to answer all questions asked and provided useful examples. I highly recommend awakening the illuminated heart for anyone committed to growing & knowing their truth through experience. Love is the answer, with many thanks to Elena

- Sandra Fox at Oct 21, 2019


Thanks to Drunvalo for bringing us this knowledge and Elena for her wonderful patience in teaching and clarifying points of reference. Thank you for the stories and examples illustrating these points and leading us through many exercises. This course has illuminated my awareness and enhanced my knowledge. I am grateful for this experience. Thank you!

- Halimah Khan at Oct 16, 2019


Wow, what an incredible experience. I felt this amazing love connection in the group, a remembering of true love and community was created in my heart. I can return to this feeling now at any time as I have remembered who I am. Elena was such a wonderful teacher, so kind and patient, I can feel her mission here is to guide us home. Thank you so so much

- Lucy Phillips at Aug 10, 2019


This is the best ever. I cannot give enough thanks and praise to Elena and all the people who attended, many for the second time. Their assistance and support was invaluable, A burden has been lifted from me, now I can fly, Light and love Keith

- Keith Vant at Jun 05, 2019


The workshop was highly organized and presented in a logical and interesting way. Full of practice and new experiences. The workshop proceeded in a warm and friendly atmosphere that was full of trust and openness. I can recommend this workshop for providing new meaning and love in your life.

- Liudmila Borushko at Mar 18, 2019


Many thanks to Drunvalo and Elena for bringing this knowledge to the public awareness., this is the second time I have done this workshop and I got even more value out of the workshop this time around, I think this is because I have been able to process the ideas presented which allowed me to see what I missed in my first workshop. I highly recommend this workshop to everyone who has an awakened awareness. One of the benefits I received from the first workshop was improved communication between my wife and myself. There is a lot more that could be said. However, instead, I would just like to reiterate my previous words. I highly recommend this workshop to everyone who has an awakened awareness. Thank you, Elena, for an excellent workshop.

- Fraser Fox at Feb 20, 2019


This workshop was amazing, and so much better than I had expected. I loved that all aspects were covered in a logical procession, as well as bringing the ancient wisdom along with scientific proofs together. Elena was wonderful at teaching and facilitating this workshop and knowledge. This is the first workshop I have been to where there was no ego or competition within the group. I believe this is both because of the motivation of the students (opening the heart) as well as Elena’s way of teaching and that she truly lives this way. I wholeheartedly recommend both this workshop and Elena to anyone who’s wanting to live from their beautiful heart.

- Sonya Beyer at Feb 18, 2019


Elena did a wonderful job explaining everything with extraordinary detail. She was also very kind and gentle with anyone that struggled with any mediation or question and was able to guide them. I can't wait to do the course again with my wife who couldn't make it this time. I'm looking forward to the day courses like this are taught to the mainstream public through universities. Thank you for unravelling the mysteries of the universe and sharing them with us Drunvalo and Elena.

- Nader Sedhom at Feb 18, 2019


I am forever changed in such a positive way after attending the ATIH workshop. The information was cutting edge. It was easy to absorb this information, which was delivered in a relaxed friendly environment. There were plenty of opportunities to put this information into practice. I highly recommend anyone looking for a change in their lives to attend this AWESOME workshop. Thank you so much.

- Leah Ching at Oct 20, 2018


Wow, what an amazing experience this has been. I wholeheartedly recommend this workshop to anyone that is ready to take the spiritual journey into the next level. I feel so connected to everything living. I am very grateful that this information has been made public. I am so looking forward to living my life after this amazing workshop.

- Helena Agaibi at Apr 07, 2018 


This was a fantastic workshop. I came in very sceptical and whilst a lot of what I learnt was hard to believe I do feel that I am now more open to truth. Undeniable was the emotion that was experienced and the love that a pure heart can give to one another.

- Kate McKay at Apr 07, 2018


An amazing journey. Cleared up many of my possible “whys” of my life. How is one able to solve today’s issues using yesterday’s thinking. Or rather how can one solve a problem from the same brain that created it. Yes, insanity!!! This will help me with an alternative perspective, especially since the “old” one wasn’t working for me any longer. Thank you

- Yvette Lohnes at Mar 03, 2018


The workshop was amazing! It was everything I thought it would be and more. Elena was very patient and was very conscious of not moving forward until everyone understood the concepts. The venue was lovely and cozy, perfect for a small group setting. I would highly recommend this course and Elena is so knowledgeable and approachable, she is the perfect facilitator for this type of course.

- Lisa Del Bel at Oct 08, 2017


The workshop was so brilliant. I had no idea what to expect but I achieved the unexpected. We are all so different in our intuitive abilities, but we all came away with so much truth and knowledge, knowing so much more about ourselves and the Source of all that is. With the scientific logic to ease the questioning mind, it helps make sense that we are all one with the Infinite mind and all life forms, and we have the power to create miracles. Everything is energy, and all energy can be transformed, and this workshop transformed this butterfly into an angel. Elena, our teacher, was so patient, loving and compassionate. You could feel her sincerity and love for this work. My future is now set for Ascension. Thank you Drunvalo, your divine wisdom is so needed and appreciated. Much love and gratitude to all the divine beings who helped you and now US to be all that we can be.

- Robin Bretherton at Aug 08, 2017


This is a life-changing workshop. If you feel ready for change, do this workshop. I cannot express in words how much I love this lady! Elena is a beautiful soul! Throughout the workshop, she always took care of everyone's needs above and beyond the course. Everything was exceptionally arranged. We also had many enlightening conversations together one: one. I cannot recommend this course enough. I have left feeling so much love for the entire universe. Life is truly amazing! Thank you so much for helping me see in the darkness, Elena! Much love, Megan

- Megan Boyd at Aug 07, 2017


This workshop certainly opened our hearts to an experience that will stay with us and help us to remember more and more of who we are and why we are here at this time! It was such a joy to host this group of beautiful people and to be guided so lovingly by our facilitator Elena. I hope more beautiful souls will choose to experience this and feel the profound benefits.

- Deirdre Kynoch at Jul 22, 2017


Words cannot even begin to describe the profundity, beauty, and power of this workshop. Three days before attending, I had no idea that this workshop existed, who Drunvalo Melchizedek is and that there is a difference between manifesting from the heart and the mind. Through a series of \"coincidences\" I ended up being guided through this workshop by Elena Burton, one of the most gentle, understanding and loving souls I have ever met. She really gave her all, to ensure that all participants received the absolute most out of each of the 4 days. My life has changed quite drastically and I have never been happier.

- Matthew Schroder at Apr 29, 2017


Each day is so much easier than I experienced previously In 3D since attending the living in the heart workshop. I am so grateful to our facilitator, Elena, and the School of Remembering. I am consciously aware of being enveloped in MerKaBa field and even the headache I have had for 45 years is now manifesting at a very low pain level. Wonderful! In fact, it feels like a new person is now present. So calm, no anger, no fuss, a huge peace, and simultaneous gentle excitement is ever within.

- Kerry Addison at Nov 11, 2016 

Elena presented the ATIH workshop with so much love and grace, which helped me to feel open and fully take in the information in the course. I have already felt so many shifts in myself and I love having these priceless tools to use in my life from now on.  I would highly recommend this workshop. It is truly life changing. Thank you for shining your beautiful light in the world Elena, you emanate divine light and love.

- Jody-Lee Smith at Sep 10,2014

What can I say. Elena has such a feminine elegance about her and the way she teaches. Elena has a unique gift in the way she really listens to what everyone has to say, then she follows with answers that have no judgement or expectation. I speak for the group when I say we were all blessed to have such a knowledgeable kind friendly spirit working with us. I will be recommending her to anyone on the path of awaking. Thank you from my heart Elena for now we can see.

- Robert Wyborn at Sep 01, 2014

Elena is very softly spoken, warm and full of love. Her love and understanding helps her in delicate situations when the emotion of a student comes to the surface and the student needs support. She has full knowledge of the subject matter and is able to answer all questions of the students. Of all the workshops/seminars I attended in my life, this ATIH workshop was probably the most important one. And I’m very happy that I attended this workshop with Elena. I can recommend this ATIH workshop to anyone who is interested in his/her spiritual evolution. A lot of spiritual information I collected, over the years, which I did not fully understood, makes sense now. Thank you Drunvalo, thank you Elena.

- Stefan Atanassoff at Aug 24, 2014

I especially appreciated the openness and the loving attitude that I felt from Elena throughout the workshop. I also liked the personal examples she gave of what had happened for her after doing the workshop the first time herself and her experiences with creating from the heart. Elena is originally Russian, living in Australia. Her English is quite good, but if you speak only English and are not good at understanding a non-native speaker, then you might have a little difficulty understanding her pronunciation or use of words. She is very open to improving her English and we were an international group, so we enjoyed her use of English. I was very happy with her as our teacher!

- Cynthia Van Deusen at Mar 23, 2014

The workshop was very good, very informative, and a beautiful experience of living in the heart. It offers life changing tools of spiritual healing and transformation with regular practice. It is a workshop of remembrance, really. thanks Drunvalo for the amazing wisdom. thanks Elena Burton for being such a kind, patient and wonderful teacher.

- Prashanti Patnaik at Mar 13, 2014

Elena is a very humble sweet teacher with a lot of understanding and compassion towards the students - always available, always patient and very authentic! thank you Elena & Drunvalo for the wonderful workshop with love & light Sandyra

- Sandyra Andrassy at Mar 07, 2014

Elena is a wonderful teacher, warm, patient and sincere. Was very happy to share the space with her. And to use the teachings in my daily life. The magic is about to begin ....

- Vivechana Saraf at Mar 01, 2014

Elena is an excellent articulate teacher.. I am blessed to be led by her Lovely energy and extremely result oriented.

- Leena R Haldar at Feb 19, 2014

Thank You Drunvalo, you are God to me. Thank you Elena, thank you School of Remembering. It was indeed a life changing phenomena. Like an Angel, Elena came to my life, and gave my life a different meaning. It is so beautiful, so comfortable to be in the tiny space of heart and the beams of light gave me a whole lot of confidence. I feel so important, so loved, so powerful. \"Elena , you taught us everything so clearly so deeply.\" Elena is indeed a great teacher with so much of dedication and with so much of love for all of us. I believe everybody should attend this life changing ATIH workshop, irrespective of age caste, colour , creed..all over the world.. Lots and lots of LOVE .......

- Sujata Mukherjee at Feb 11, 2014

Great workshop! Perfect structure! Sensitive, attentive instructor with a deep knowledge of the topic, and, most importantly, the ability to communicate information to the hearts! Thank you!

- Oksana Alekseeva at Jan 07, 2014

This course helped me to communicate with my inner world. Some of this practices gave me a 'short cut' for receiving my inner balance. I can receive the Information calmly and confidently.

- Andrey Alekseev at Jan 03, 2014

I am overwhelmed by the knowledge and ease with which Elena presents sometimes complicated material. Learned a lot.

- Lidia Trikasch at Dec 28, 2013  

Thank you Elena for such a great and profound workshop experience. Years ago I visited Drunvalos Trinity workshop and I am very deeply touched by how you teach this now evolved wisdom today. Your presence and love as well as your knowledge and teaching carry the whole group so beautifully through this amazing process. I highly recommend your workshop to everyone as it assists in truly understanding our life experience here on earth and re-activating our manifestation abilities. It would be so great if they would teach this workshops in all schools, teach it to all parents, doctors, sick people and anyone who would like to live a happy life. Thank you again Elena, for being who you are and offering those mind-blowing teachings to us with all your heart!

- Petra Fischer at Sept 2013

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